Monday, September 23, 2019

Securing Your RV's Interior for Travel

Securing Your RV's Interior for Travel - rv delaer - Nohrs RV

Since our founding in 1960 Nohr’s RV Center has been Tracy, California’s premier RV dealers, and we’ve heard a lot of stories related to items left unsecured when the motorhome is on the move. From common things like a child’s pointed toy on the floor to mysterious leaks and broken glass, there are quite a few hazards that could be easily avoided by performing an interior inspection before you leave the driveway.

Pack Things Tightly

RV dealers can tell you that whether you are packing the refrigerator or a closet, the best packing advice is to keep things close together. Reducing the empty space between items means they can’t shift about as much during travel, reducing spills, breakage, and clutter. Using a few innovative hacks will make secure travel easier as well.

Shelves and Closets

Fasten the top button on hanging clothes to help keep it on the hanger and store toiletries and cosmetics in plastic bins. This keeps similar items together and allows you to package your things for easy access when you need it. Label the front side of the bins you use so that you can still retrieve specific items from a stack of bins.

Drawers and Cupboards

Rubberized shelf lining is an easy way to keep your dishes more stable while you travel. Cut extra squares of the lining to place between bowls and plates so that the friction will prevent them from sliding against one another. Bind stove utensils together with a rubber band for travel storage to prevent them from sliding and rolling. Place dishcloths and towels in drawers to reduce noise and prevent unnecessary movement while riding down the road.


Like children, pets are at the mercy of the laws of science when you are driving down the road. Keep them safe by always placing your furry family members in securely fastened pet carriers before traveling. Placing a favorite pet blanket and a couple of toys in the carrier will make the ride more comfortable. Store dry pet food in a resealable plastic container to prevent the bag from getting spilled or torn. To prevent spillage and waste, use bowls with lids as your pet’s food and water dish and always seal the dishes before hitting the road.


Small objects left lying around the RV can become trip hazards or even dangerous projectiles, so examine the living space carefully before you embark. Use towels, sheets, or washcloths to pad items that could produce annoying rattles while moving, and try to fasten anything which isn’t already tied down to an immobile surface. The better you become at organizing and compressing your storage spaces, the easier, safer, and neater your possessions will be when you reach your destination. Keeping a checklist of items and areas to inspect prior to departure will save you time and energy. After a few trips, the routine will become second nature, and pretty soon you will develop the habit of returning items to their secure location as a matter of normal usage.