Friday, April 12, 2019

Spring Cleaning: The Best Way to Clean Your RV

RV Dealer - Nohr's RV Center

To avoid having to clean it twice, take your RV in for regular maintenance and RV repair services before you start. Then treat your RV as though you just drove it off the lot. Think back to when you were still looking at motorhomes for sale and how you examined every detail and shined every fixture. A complete RV detail is also a great way to locate potential problems or damages before they become an issue.

Clean Top to Bottom

RV Dealers will have the tools and supplies you need for cleaning your entire motorhome. Start high and work downward, washing and rinsing as you go. Check the roof and remove leaves or twigs which may have accumulated. Wash the wheels and treat the tire surfaces. Before applying any polishes or material protection, allow the surfaces to dry completely.

Spring Cleaning Inside and Out

Clean the windows and doors after you’ve done everything else. Do both sides of the glass as you go and apply a glass protectant to the exterior. Check the screens and adjust the latches. Clean the door jambs and all the way around the doors. Treat natural wood to prevent stains and polish metal fixtures and interior glass.

Around the Edges

Check for nests of everything from birds to wasps under wheel wells and other sheltered places. Buff your headlights to restore their original clarity and increase your driving safety. Don’t forget to clean your slideouts and awnings, features that are normally concealed and easily overlooked.

Behind Closed Doors

Organizing the RV interior stocking supplies is an essential part of your annual spring cleaning. Take your time with interior trim and cabinets. Wash your travel dishes and store them neatly. Wash and stock fresh linens. Check the date on your fire extinguishers and put new batteries in your smoke alarm. If you carry a lot of gear, make yourself a reference list so you can find it with minimal fuss. You may even want to check out some creative storage solutions to make your RV more efficient.

Tanks and Drains

Flush and your tanks and drains. Clean the hoses and connections to prevent contamination. Flush your sink and shower drains using fresh baking soda to reduce odors. If your refrigerator has a drain tray, carefully remove and clean it. Clean your fans and vents. Sanitize surfaces to remove germs, and use an odor neutralizer to give it all a fresh, clean scent.

Setting out on your first road trip of the year is more enjoyable when everything is clean and polished. Because you have everything neatly arranged, it will be easier to get to items you need, and the whole family will breathe healthier and happier.